Fuel Management

Fuel Management

Solving client’s fuel procurement needs by ensuring reliable, accurate and cost effective physical fuel delivery.  Through our strategic partnership with Sokolis Group, Maverick Energy offers a fuel management service to assist clients in their physical purchase of fuel. Our service is a continuous fuel monitoring, auditing and reporting program…all without overhead expense.

Fuel (Diesel & Gasoline) Management

We can help you save thousands of dollars by securing lower fuel prices and by developing and implementing fuel management solutions.

We will analyze your fuel program’s financial performance.  We monitor your fuel program continuously and provide customized fuel reporting, forecasting and guidance.  The following is just an example of the information on which we report.

  • Continuous fuel program monitoring, auditing and reporting
  • Timely communication of fuel program issues
  • Monthly fuel program reviews and refinements
  • Dependable and accessible day to day fuel management service
  • Fuel volume and pricing (down to the branch/bus level)
  • Fuel-related labor costs
  • Environmental fuel liability issues
  • Back-office processing and fuel audits
  • Fuel usage and projected fuel usage

Your Outsourced Fuel Management Department

The Sokolis Group provides us relationships with scores of vendors that we can leverage to get you the best possible terms.  We manage fuel vendors closely to ensure consistent, high quality service and competitive pricing.
You will have the peace of mind of knowing that fuel professionals are keeping tabs on your fuel program.